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Indiferent de situație, te rugăm să reiei acest test cu și mai mare atenție, dar numai după ce ai reluat materialele din care ai dat acest test. Nu te grăbi, graba nu e mereu bună!
Nu e un scor rău, dar știi și tu că poți mult mai mult și mult mai bine!
Ca să ai siguranța că vei lua examenul, trebuie să ai cât mai multe teste luate cu peste 80% răspunsuri corecte. Încă nu ești acolo, dar sunt convins că, dacă vei munci mai mult și mai atent, vei reuși!
Ești pe drumul cel bun! Continuă studiul cu și mai mare sârguință și atenție și succesul va fi al tău!
Dar înainte de asta, te rugăm să treci încă o dată prin materie și apoi reia acest test.
Spor la învățat!
Munca ta serioasă de până acum a dat roade. Ai obținut un rezultat excelent! Felicitări!
Continuă pregătirea cu aceeași seriozitate și modestie, iar unul dintre locurile la instituția de învățământ MAI pentru care te pregătești va fi al tău!
Nu te culca pe o ureche, nu lăsa garda jos și trage cât de tare poți în continuare. Doar așa îți vei îndeplini visul!
I expect you’ll see Jack at the lecture tonight. If you ______ , ______ you please him ______ about tomorrow’s meeting?
He is staying at the Savoy in London. I suppose he is very rich. If he ____ a poor man he ____ at the Savoy.
I’m not interested in mathematics. ______ .
Tom had his lunch at 2.
After a time I got used ______ in the country and even got ______ it.
Sally got home at four o’clock this morning. The party ______ really good.
Unless you ______ her yourself, she ______ discover what happened.
It is your duty to make tea at eleven o’clock.
George ______ in customs by the police.
We need time to think their proposal ______ .
She’s young ______ heart ______ her age.
Steve went on arguing as if he ______ what I had said.
Henry is taking his driving test for the sixth time. It’s time he finally ______ it.
They are talking as if they ______ each other for ages, and this ______ not the first time they ______ .
There was ______ evidence against Tom, so he was not accused of theft.
______ tourists ever come to our village.
Cu cât mi se spune mai mult să mint pentru ei, cu atât sunt mai hotărât că ar trebui să se spună
The crowd ______ all enjoying the game as billiards ______ a very popular game.
As each new problem arose, we felt ______ .
Jack: I ______ out to get an evening paper. Ann: But it ______ ! Why ______ you ______ till the rain ______ ?
She ____ always ___ home late, though I ____ telling her that it ____ dangerous to walk alone at night!
I haven’t got a car at the moment, so I ______ to work by busthis week, although I usually ______ to work.
It’s the first time we ______ about something.
I ______ buying a house, but now I ______ my mind.
I _____ for Paul. ______ him? Yes, he ______ here a moment ago.
We ______ breakfast at 8.00 tomorrow because Tom ______ an early train.
The hall ______ at the moment, so it ______ its best.
So far we ______ anything unusual, but we ______ very close attention.
Jack: How much longer ______ in England? Paul: Only one more day. I ______ by train tomorrow night. I ______ to Holland for two weeks.
He said that he ______ as soon as he ______ working.
The architect told his client thatthe builders ______ work as soon as the plans _____ .
Nobody ______ so the child ______ the toy from the shelf and ______ it in her pocket.
The boys worked slowly for they knew that as soon as they ______ one exercise the teacher ______ them to do the next.
I ______ what ______ several years ago when she ______ to help me.
After I his side of the argument, I ______ ______ along with the idea.
The house ______ to the ground bythetime the firemen ______ .
When I ______ home yesterday, Ann ______ dinner. As a matter of fact she ______ in the
kitchen for more than two hours by the time I ______ .
The police questioned him where he ______ somuch information from, but he ______ silent.
He lived in Holland for two years then he ______ to Italy and ______ there ever since.
I told her to stop making a fuss about nothing and said that she was lucky to have got a seat at all.
He advised her to hurry up as he didn’t wanther to risk missing the train.
Why don’t you takethe rest of the day off? said my assistant.
My assistant ______ the rest of the day off.
Where are you going on holiday? she asked me.
Nu a mâncat nimic de la micul dejun; cu siguranţă e mort de foame, a spus ea.
She said that he ______ .
If we leave now, we’ll catch the train. I told him that ______ .