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I can`t find ………. book I wanted to read.
What time do you usually go to ………. school?
This is ………. best movie I have ever seen.
I`d like to buy a ………. of red wine, please.
Have you seen my ………. anywhere?
The information got yesterday ………. very good.
The weather is much ………. today than yesterday.
This is one of ………. places I have ever seen.
She is very talkative, unlike ………. .
She didn`t have ………. to add.
Who was ………. to arrive?
………. talk to your mother last week?
They ………. their new flat yesterday.
You ………. wear a uniform in this school.
Because of the snow, the cars were moving very ………. .
………. Sunday she always goes to church.
It isn’t too late, ………. ?
………. do you go on holiday? In August, next year.
Choose the correct answer: How do you come to work?
I am working for his company, she said.
Choose the correct reported speech statement
Choose the correct synonym for angry
Choose the correct antonym for happy
That ………. looks good on the floor of your room.
A nurse ………. sick people.
You have to ………. your bed every day.
There aren`t ………. biscuits left.
………. Prague is the most beautiful city I have ever visited.
They ………. dance classes every day.
I saw him this morning. He ………. be in the USA.
Do you believe ………. ghosts?