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Your composition is much more interesting ……. your sister’s.
You speak English, ……. ?
George asked Susan why ……. him the day before.
We were watching the football match while the kids ……. in the garden.
He usually has dinner late ……. the evening.
He is …….. in his class.
IRON MAN is …….. film I have ever seen.
I saw ……. elephant at the zoo last summer.
If you work ……. you will be successful.
When I arrived at home she ……. dinner.
You ……. silent during the exam.
The conference tomorrow will be given by ……. Doctor Smith.
Have you seen my……. ? I can“t find them anywhere.
This is my sister’s room. Is ……. .
I have borrowed ……. book. I hope it’s interesting.
She ……. yesterday when I met her.
She is ……. in reality than on TV.
My friend usually goes to work ……. foot.
I ……. about you a lot yesterday.
There were ……. spectators at the concert.
You are advised ……. noise in the building.
People speak ……. when they meet a baby.
I had visited the museum before we ……. together.
You can ……. a car if you are 18.
She won’t come at the theatre, ……. ?
She would give me the money if ……. her.
Maria said she ……. her grandmother the next week.
She told him that she ……. at that moment.
I don’t need ……. right now, thank you.
……. time, I would have finished my work.